A new Junior event was introduced into the program for 2022
Nine promising juniors from Newcastle clubs participated in the inaugural “Country Invitational” at The Vintage Golf Club on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th January, 2022.
Originally only 2 boys and 2 girls were invited from each of the 18 NSW Country Golf Associations. Some Country Associations and the NDGA helped to make up the numbers.
The event was run as a single and 4 ball Stableford competition with 2 juniors paired with 2 members or sponsors over the 2 days.
NDGA and NHDLGA juniors that enjoyed a wonderful event with nice weather on an outstanding golf course, beautifully presented were:-
Harry Leggatt and Jesse Linden (Newcastle), Lachlan Lawson (Nelson Bay), Felix Kaluski (Horizons), Lanna New (Charlestown), Toby Clune (Belmont) and Declan Gordan, Eli Peattie and Nash Peattie (Waratah). 7yr old Nash filled in on the Tuesday only.
Newcastle winners over the 2 days were Jesse Linden, Toby Clune, Lanna New and Declan Gordon.
Lanna and Declan really excelled with multiple wins over the 2 days and combined to win the inaugural “Country Invitational Shield” for Newcastle as the Champion District. Declan Gordan played unbelievable golf with scores of 44 and 47 points. He also combined with a sponsor to clean up the 4 ball event as well.
The juniors were fantastic both on the course and off it.
Thanks so much to them all for representing Newcastle so well.
I look forward to them representing the NDGA in future events..
Overall 70 Juniors together with 70 members/sponsors took part - with the event so well received by all that they are already planning next year - and juniors already asking about invites to next year's event.
The scoring over the 2 days was -
Lachlan Lawson H 8.4 (36, 35)
Jesse Linden H 8.9 (35, 40)
Harry Leggatt H 7.5 (29,30)
Felix Kaluski H 11.8 (22,27)
Lanna New H 15.7 (29,33)
Toby Clune H 15.0 (30,36)
Eli Peattie H 21.1 (32,34)
Nash Peattie H 45 (32)
Declan Gordan H 26.3 (44, 47)
Report by Don Nelson JPO