2021 B&C Grade Pennants - DRAWS and Rules - Updated 20210705
Rod Carruthers • June 27, 2021
2021 B&C Grade Pennants - Draws and Rules
With the qualifying event - the Oc Colley Cups being held on June 20 - hopefully we will be able to proceed with the Pennant Series without any interruption from COVID-19 issues.
The Pennant Rounds will commence on Sunday July 18 - for 7 Rounds - then a 1 week break for Father's Day then Semis and Finals.
Again this year we have the Divisions either side of the Hunter River - 15 Clubs contesting B Grade and 13 Clubs in C Grade
Updated 20210705
To view or download a copy of the B Grade - North Division Draw, click on the link B Grade North Draw
To view or download a copy of the B Grade - South Division Draw, click on the link B Grade South Draw ver 4.4