The 2023 A Grade Pennant series will commence on Sunday January 22.
This year sees a major change in the format of the Pennant Series. The format will be based on Home and Away. We will have 3 Divisions, normally with 4 teams in each Division – but this year we welcome Horizons GC to A grade Pennants for the first time. This means that with 13 teams – we have 5 teams in Division 1, 4 Teams in Division 2 – both of these with 8 player teams. Division 3 will have 4 teams with 6 player teams.
There will be no finals – but playing for 3 pennants.
Special attention to Rule 3 – “Each club, when they are hosting a round of the pennant series, must provide an official, preferably from their Match Committee, to be the NDGA/Club Official of the Day, start the matches and marshal the course.
Such official would be responsible for the conduct of the match, compilation of results and forwarding of results to the NDGA Secretary.
An NDGA Official may or may not be in attendance for each and every match.
It must be conceded that having 5 teams in the Division 1 (or any Division) draw is not ideal – and having 8 matches over a 10 week period introduces difficulties for the Clubs with player availability and commitment issues.
I foresee changes for the 2024 Pennant Series – but am unsure as to what these will be. Possibly, qualification to identify the top 12 teams – or maybe amalgamation of 2 Clubs just for the pennant series. The NDGA would welcome input from Players or Club officials as to how these issues could be resolved.
Good golfing to all those involved in the 2023 Pennant Series
The use of motorised transport is restricted - players must comply with the NDGA Transportation Policy - in order to use a cart during the Pennant Series.
The NDGA Pace of Play policy will be applied for each Round. Please become familiar with the requirements.
To view or download a copy of the 2023 A Grade Pennant draw, click on the link 2023 A Grade Pennants Draw
To view or download a copy of the 2023 Pennant Rules, click on the link 2023 Pennant Rules
To view or download a copy of the NDGA Transportation Policy, click on the link NDGA Transportation Policy
To view or download a copy of the NDGA Pace of Play Policy, click on the link NDGA Pace of Play Policy
Additional Documents for Team Managers
To view or download a copy of the Team Sheets required for each Round, click on the link Team Sheets
To view or download a copy of the Result Sheets required for each Round, click on the link Result Sheets