18/01/1951 - 11/11/2022
It was with much sadness that we were informed of the recent passing of our Life Member Mr Robert Ogram.
Robert had worked as a Clerk for the BHP and after leaving the company in 1983 he devoted much of his life to caring for his aging parents. He was a highly
respected and long-standing member of Newcastle Golf Club; having joined there in 1967, and he showed a very active interest in the administration of the
game, not only at Club level but also with the Newcastle District Golf Association (NDGA).
He was elected as delegate for Newcastle Golf Club on the NDGA in 1988 and served on the Match Committee since that time. He had a strong interest in keeping
records of the district events; he ensured that the golfers abided by the rules of the game, and always insisted they followed appropriate dress regulations. In
addition, he was always available and willing to assist in the running of our District events.
His contributions were firmly recognised for which he was inducted into the NDGA Masters in 1990. In 2009 he was granted Life Membership of the Newcastle
District Golf Association and in 2015 he was inducted into the Newcastle Senior Golfer’s Society which is affiliated with the International Senior Golfer’s Society.
The Newcastle District Golf Association extends its sincere condolences on behalf of all our Clubs to the relatives and friends of Robert, he contributed greatly to
the game, and we are extremely grateful for his enormous contributions and dedication; he will be sadly missed.